Get Ready to Change Careers
Are you ready for a career change?
It’s never too late to try a new career on for size. However, changing careers can be a significant challenge, depending on your career of choice. If you’re committed, there’s no reason you can’t find a new line of work that fulfills you and pays the bills. Think hard before you leap because you may have quite a bit of work ahead. Here are ten tips to successfully make a career change and do the work you were meant to do:
1. Make a List of What You Don’t Like About Your Current Position
If you’re considering a change, there must be something that’s rubbing you the wrong way. It might be your company, the people, or your position. Maybe you just weren’t cut out to be an accountant. Consider the things you don’t want to see in your next career. Knowing what you want to avoid can help you steer clear of similar pitfalls in your new career path.
2. Make a List of What You Do Like About Your Current Position
It can’t all be bad! What are the things about your current company and position that you enjoy? What would you like to see in your next position? Identifying these positives can help you seek out similar aspects in a new role, ensuring that your new career retains some elements you enjoy and find fulfilling.
3. Consider Your Values
Perhaps your most important value is helping people, but you spend your days driving a beer delivery truck. A position helping others directly might be more to your liking. List your values and consider careers that dovetail with them. Your values are a core part of your professional satisfaction, so finding a career that aligns with them can lead to a more fulfilling work life.
4. Brainstorm a List of Career Possibilities
Now that you’ve given some thought to what you like, don’t like, and your values, think of careers that can satisfy all of those requirements. Don’t limit yourself—think broadly and consider a variety of options. Research different fields and talk to people working in those industries to gain insights and expand your list of possibilities.
5. Identify What Else You Need
If you’re planning a significant change, you’ll probably need to learn a few new skills. You might even need to go back to school. Consider what you need to add to your resume and make a plan to make it happen. This might include obtaining certifications, enrolling in training programs, or gaining new experiences through volunteer work or internships.
6. Set a Goal
Know what you want and put your vision to paper. Read your goal each day. Develop a reasonable plan to reach your goal in the near future. Create a goal that inspires you. Setting a clear, actionable goal helps keep you motivated and provides a roadmap to follow as you transition to your new career.
7. Network
Applying for an existing opening that is known to the public is like trying to win the lottery. Your best bet is to leverage the people you know. Try to get the inside scoop on your dream job. Let everyone know you’re looking to make a change. Be careful not to burn any bridges at your current job until you’re ready to move on. Networking can open doors to opportunities that aren’t advertised, giving you a leg up in your job search.
8. Contact Headhunters
A reputable headhunter only gets paid when they find you a job, and they are paid by the employer. You’re also likely to get a lot of good advice. After all, they know what companies are looking for right now. Headhunters have access to a broad network of employers and can provide valuable insights into market trends and hiring practices.
9. Be Willing to Take a Step Back
You might have to take a demotion or a pay cut in order to change careers. Sometimes, it’s necessary to take a small step back to eventually take a greater step forward. Be open to entry-level positions or roles that provide learning opportunities. Your willingness to start over in a new field demonstrates your commitment and can lead to greater long-term rewards.
10. Be Patient
Finding a new position is usually challenging. Finding a new position in a new field is considerably more difficult. You must be patient and persistent. Expect that it will take some time, but keep working hard toward realizing your dream. Stay positive, seek support from friends and family, and celebrate small victories along the way.
Successfully changing careers requires introspection, planning, and perseverance. By identifying what you like and dislike about your current job, aligning your career with your values, and networking effectively, you can find a fulfilling new role. Remember to be patient and open to taking steps back to move forward. Your dream career is within reach—go for it!
Ready to take the leap into a new career?
Start by assessing your likes and dislikes, considering your values, and brainstorming potential career paths. Set clear goals, network with industry professionals, and be willing to learn and adapt. With dedication and persistence, you can achieve a successful career change and find the job that brings you joy and fulfillment.