Summary and Reflection – Handling Setbacks

Fear is a the most common cause of each obstacle you face in your life. Your previous decisions were made to work around your fears. Those “workarounds” are less than optimal solutions. The challenges you face today are the result.

Direct solutions provide fast results. These solutions are frequently the simplest solution, but are uncomfortable to implement. How much discomfort can you withstand to be successful?

Creativity is under appreciated. Many setbacks are little more than inconveniences when you apply your creativity to the situation.

Situations that appear to be hopeless rarely are. The key is to keep your cool and continue to work through it. Find a way to ease your anxiety and adopt a fresh perspective.

Belief in yourself is necessary to overcome failures and challenging times.

Self-Reflection Exercises:

  1. What obstacles have I faced in the past? Was I able to overcome them? Do I think my performance would improve today?
  2. How has fear created the challenges I face today?
  3. When am I most creative? When has my creativity created a solution I would have otherwise missed?
  4. Have I allowed my past failures to influence my belief in myself? How is that affecting my current life experiences? Do I feel less capable of being successful in the future?